The other day I received my mobile phone bill and saw an incorrect charge. I proceeded to go on my carrier's website to get their phone number to dispute the bill. I call my carrier and I'm on hold for 20 minutes! I noticed the carrier's website had a live chat feature so I decided to try it. A rep answered right away, looked into my dispute and corrected it within 5 minutes. Bam! So much better than waiting on hold.
This applies to your business too. I have been a long-time proponent of having a live chat feature on every website for two main reasons:
It enhances your customer service and boosts sales! If a visitor engages with a live chat agent they're more likely to end up purchasing a product.
My favorite part is the ability to see site visitors in real-time and view information such as the visitor's location, which page they are on, and the exact amount of time they've spent on your site. Only available when you have Wix Chat.
To further confirm the benefits of chat, here's some research I've done:
According to Forbes,
Live chat has rapidly become one of the leading customer service tools. See
Live Chat is so important for Brands -
Per Inc magazine,
42% of consumers say that they prefer live chat functions because they don't have to wait on hold.
44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person during an online purchase is one of the most important features a website can offer.
From Wix's blog:
Wix conducted a research study of their users who installed chat on their Wix websites. The findings? A 300% increase in sales and bookings conversions amongst the top five percentile of them.
63% of Wix users who responded to chats from customers in under 30 seconds sparked a meaningful conversation.
Talk to me about how it can benefit you!